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13.05.12 :: Taking Back Sunday From The Sickly Girl



I’ve just got back from the first Sunday morning Body Balance class that I’ve been able to go to since being sick. Turns out that a lady in my class has also been off poorly for the past 3 weeks with horrific sinusitis, there must have been a bug going round…

So consequently, I’ve missed a few sessions and oh my… did I know it! I decided to take it a bit easy and not push myself too hard. So after an hour of Downward Facing Dog’s, Forward Folds, Mermaid Twists, Three Legged Dogs, Sun Warrior and Pilates 100’s, etc I am now feeling newly refreshed and ready to take on the world… erm, kind of.

JMG and I have just 23 sleeps left until our holiday in the sun! Two lovely people from my gym class, who it turned out today, know me only as “Pashley Princess” due to my lovely bicycle - what a GREAT nickname - always laugh at my sleeps rather than days countdown method… But I think it makes it more fun and will continue to do it this way until I am old and wrinkly! 13.05.12

After my short ride home, I plonked my yoga mat, etc on the table and gratefully accepted  a cup of coffee from the fella and settled down to check out my Google Reader Blog Subscriptions - it’s  new thing I’m using to keep up-to-date on the fashion bloggersphere.  I have Flipboard on my iPhone and have a Google Reader feed that feeds my Social Media updates to my Flipboard iPhone app. I wish someone would do a Flipboard for Mac version??  Anyway… that’s the lovely Brit Nason - Disarming Darling that you can see on my screen - her blog is amazing! We’re trying out that new Kenco Millicano as an alternative to the usual ‘instant’ coffee varieties and actually… it s pretty tasty! It still won’t beat a good cup of 'proper’ coffee with steamed milk et al, but oh well! Needs must!



The kitchen is a humdrum of activity - but I like it!There’s my little seed propagation trays on the window ledges along with some potted fresh Basil and Coriander pots from Sainsbury’s. I’m attempting to not kill grow Cherry Tomato plants, Strawberry Plants, Lobelia, Pansies, Geraniums, Sweet Pea’s and Petunia’s. This is the first time I’ve attempted to 'Grow-My-Own’ and it’s not easy I tell you!

*Note to self: You’ve got to remember to WATER them daily! 

There’s also a heap of clean washing drying on the 'maiden’ (as my family like to call them?) Does anyone else know them as this? or 'clothes horse’ for the majority of you… It’s probably ready to be put away now - I WISH I had a maid!




Because it’s a Sunday a roast dinner is obligatory and therefore we have a chicken-licken in the slow cooker - one of our MOST used household appliances! It is absolutely brilliant! I’d recommend it to anybody! When we moved into the flat in Leicester a couple of years ago, JMG’s Grandma gave us the pennies to buy one and we’ve never looked back! It now lives with us in our little house and I’m sure will move around with us for years to come. Our’s is a Cookworks Signature 6.5litre one from Argos and cost £24.99. It has three settings and has a removable ceramic bowl that can be put in the dishwasher too! We put the meat or veg or whatever in it in the morning - go to work and do our day-to-day things and then come home to a yummy, tender, beautifully cooked hot meal! Yippee! We make lots of yummy food in this: Chilli Con Carne, Spag Bol, Stews, Veggie Casseroles, Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, pie fillings, to name but a few!


Have a lovely Sunday all! x

Photography: © Lucie Kerley