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13.05.12 :: My DIY Tie-Dye Maxi Dress & @YBDfashion @LamaPeach Paige Boots

After seeing the SS12 Tie-Dye trend EVERYWHERE I decided to give it a go myself, after a bit of YouTube research, and see what crazy things I could whip up! Therefore, reversioning your existing wardrobe without paying a penny, except for the bleach which you should already have in the house! It’s a great technique for breathing new life into clothes that you’re a little bit bored with.

Et Voila!

Read on for how I did it…13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach

13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach

13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach

13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach

13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach

13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach13.05.12 :: DIY Tie Dye and Lama Peach

It looks great with my Lama Peach Paige Summer Ankle Boots from Young British Designers

Here’s how I made me #DIY Tie-Dye Maxi Dress:

1. I chose an old black jersey maxi dress that I was getting a little bored of and that I wasn’t too bothered if it got ruined during the DIY Tie-Dye experiment. I pull the centre of the garment(where your belly button would be) into a point and then wrapped elastic bands around the length of it - tightly. Varying the distance between the bands.

2. I Popped the dress into my bathroom sink, which I had filled with cold water, and added firstly some toilet bleach and then squirted the garment all over using this Dettol Mould & Mildew Remover Spray (it contains bleach too so watch your clothes… wear something old so you won’t mind if it gets splashed!)

3. I wore an old pair of plastic gloves, that I’d kept from dying my hair, in order to protect my skin from the harshness of the bleaching agents. I pushed and squelched the tied up dress into the bleachy water until I could see the colour lifting from the garment. I had expected it to turn white but nope I got red.

4. After about 10-15minutes, or after you think enough of the material has changed colour with the bleach. Begin to remove the elastic bands and watch how the Tie-Dye pattern has taken shape!

5. When all of the elastic bands have been removed wash the garment in soapy water to remove any signs of bleach and ring out well! I washed my dress using bubble bath but you could stick it in the washing machine on its own.

6. Stick it on the line outside to dry in the sunshine, or in the dryer if the weather is grey and miserable, and once dry wear with a smile!


I’m tempted to try and bleach some denim hot pants… watch this space!

Photography: © Lucie Kerley