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Lucie Loves… Harrods // #Triedandtested the Harrods Scottish collection Christmas hamper and a whole load of festive family cheer

This time in two weeks I am going to be a perfectly round human being. That is not my new years resolution and I’m definitely not pregnant. Oh no! It’s just that, by then, I will have devoured so much incredible food - having lost all of my willpower. 

My period of festive eating started a couple of weeks ago when this gorgeous hamper arrived on my desk at work. It wasn’t any old hamper, this baby was a gift from Harrods.

What a treat!

Growing up Christmas time came hand-in-hand with plates full of fancy not-your-every-day finger food and tons of booze. Doing the ‘big’ shop with my parents, trailing around the supermarket, and trying to stuff as many goodies into the trolley as possible without being caught, was something of an annual event.

But now that I’m older I miss out on the big shop and alternate spending Christmas day at either my parents or JMG’s. But it just means there are twice as many treats to tuck into and glasses of Prosecco to knock back.

My family came down to stay with us in London recently and to mark the occasion I set the table, lit some pretty red candles and cracked open the hamper after dinner, letting the family dive in.

My little nephew’s face lit up when he spied the big tin of Scottish shortbread. He was almost as excited as when my Grandad and Step-dad spied the bottle of 12 year old single malt Scotch Whisky and Gold bar of chocolate with pieces of nougat. It was like eating the poshest Toblerone on the planet.

The hamper also contained a Dundee cake, some butterscotch, tons of fudge, even more shortbread biscuits, a jar of handmade raspberry jam, and some orange whisky marmalade.

The next morning JMG made us a full English breakfast and I made everyone some toast so that they could try out the jam and marmalade. My family absolutely loved our Harrods hamper - but not as much as I enjoyed sharing it with them.

If you’re stuck for a Christmas present for your mum and dad, your in-laws or even your grandparents, buy them a hamper. It’s a sure-fire way of giving them something they can enjoy long after the chaos of Christmas is over. And it’s also a lovely basket that can be used for many summer picnics for years to come.

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A huge thank you to Harrods for letting me try one of their incredible Hampers. 

Photography © Lucie Kerley

Filmed and edited by jmgcreative