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Lucie Loves... Fitness // Working out with Move Pop Up Gym on the rooftop of One New Change with Adidas x Stylist Magazine 

I’ve fallen out of shape. At least it feels that way. I’ve had a rather sedentary summer and, as the date of our wedding in May next year draws ever nearer, I’m concerned that I will be one mushy lump rolling down the aisle - if I don’t put down the pain aux raisin and pick up the pace. Pronto!

And so, I stepped up onto the roof of One New Change, with its spectacular views out over London, and, under watchful eye of St Pauls Cathedral, performed a serious workout with several Stylist Magazine winners and put my pair of Adidas Energy Boost to the test.

Here’s what I wore:

We listened to a set of instructions called out by Move Pop Up Gym’s brainchild, AJ and all did our own freestyle interpretations of the tasks. To sum it up: we sprinted on the spot like our lives depended on it, we performed jumping squats, lunges, star-jumps, and burpees. We did press-ups and then lay on our backs and cycled and kicked our legs cancan style. We followed it up with some side lunges and maybe one other thing that was obviously too painful to remember.

This is called HIIT. Otherwise known as high intensity interval training. You perform each exercise in 20 second bursts and repeat the sequence three times until you’re a sweaty mess and can take it no more. The next day my thighs and abs were aching, so it obviously works those muscles pretty hard.

The workout was finished by midday, so I treated myself to brunch-for-one at Gordon Ramsey’s Bread Street Kitchen. I must say, it was THE BEST eggs benedict with spinach that I’ve had in ages. I definitely would recommend this place. The interior was stunning too and the fresh orange was delicious.

I don’t want to lose weight. Not really. I just want to tone up and have sculpted arms and abs on my wedding and honeymoon pics. Vain? Perhaps. But after all, you’ve got to look at those pictures for the rest of your life, so surely some effort should go into making sure you look and feel your best. We’ve got 8-months to shape up, JMG and I.

I’ve blogged before about my own falling out of love with sport and how it’s been quite a challenge to rekindle a passion for it. However, I have just received my 30-list (a list of 40 challenges, whereby you can veto only 10 of them, with the aim being that the person who completes the most from the list is the winner.) Myself and my friends are all turning 29 this year and so the race is on to see who can achieve the most before we hit the big 3-0!) Some of us are far more competitive than others. My friend Marcos is already up and running under the hashtag #MEx30 - he’s even bought a domain name and started a blog (one of the things on his list!)

One of the challenges on my list is to do a half-marathon, before I turn 30 next September. Arghhh! If I choose to accept it, it will be my first-ever. I’m terrified! Watch this space to see what happens. One thing’s for sure, it’s certainly going to take a lot of preparation - mentally and physically. 

Over to you…

Have any of you ran a half-marathon before? Do you have any tips for getting past that finish line in one piece? How long do I need to train for? Where is the best place to do one? Get in touch!

Photography © Lucie Kerley

Disclaimer: Thank you to Adidas for providing me with the amazing new kit.