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Lucie Loves… #TeamVolcanicity // Part One | Our @Volvic_UK Valentine’s Day Challenge

We don’t really do Valentine’s Day. Me and JMG. It’s been 6 years (almost to the day) and yes, we’re very much in love, but have never really made a big song and dance of February 14th. Is that boring?

Anyway, when the guys at Volvic got in touch and asked whether we’d like to take part in their V. Day campaign, I have to be honest, we didn’t immediately jump at the idea. You see, I’m not a very love hearts and fluffy teddy bears kind of girl.

However, as it turned out, this wasn’t going to be your typical lovey-dovey date…

Oh no! This was going to make our hair stand on end. Quite literally.

A silver briefcase turned up containing the details of our secret Team Volcanicity mission, a couple of bottles of Volvic, some retro sweets (I guess we’d be needing the sugar for the shock…) a single red rose, and a rather humorous game of chocolate roulette. Interesting…

You should’ve seen me balancing the briefcase, rather precariously, on the basket of my little Pashley Princess bike - I looked very peculiar.

We couldn’t wait to see what they had in store for us. We were about to find out just what this Volcanicity thing actually is…

Find out what happened in part two.

Photography © Lucie Kerley

Photos taken using an Olympus Stylus XZ-10