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Thank you Emmi @UKcaffelatte for my afternoon lift!

5 flavours beautifully packaged in a delightful red cooler bag

*plans ahead for picnics in the park with friends drinking Skinny Rhumba cocktails… Mmm*

I’ve never tried these Emmi iced coffee’s before, but I’m always up for trying something new. I often see them in my local Tesco’s in the chilled section when I do my weekly shop, and are priced at just over £1 (cheaper than a Starbucks…)

My colleague’s eyes lit up when I unzipped the lid and revealed chilled Caffe Latte’s in Skinny, Caramel, Flat white, Cappuccino and Vanilla. I heard audible appreciation of both the flat white and caramel versions…

I’m going to try one myself now.

Oh! Decisions! Decisions! I eventually opted for a Skinny Latte.

I’m getting my coffee-fix on ahead of my day on Sunday at The London Coffee festival at the Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, East London.