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Lucie Loves... The Thirty List* // How many of these can I tick off before September 2015?

As each of us in our friendship group (my friend Marcos is blogging about his) hit the grand old age of twenty-nine, we are given a list of forty silly/funny/crazy/brilliant/scary challenges to complete before we turn 30.

Think of it as a competition. The winner is the person who completes the most challenges in the year before their next birthday.

Here’s my list. 

Don’t take a photo for a week

Make a meal out of only foraged ingredients

Volunteer for a charity at Christmas

Run a half marathon

Go skinny dipping in the sea or a lake in a winter month

Research, design and create a family for 5 generations of your families

Go blonde

Have one of your photographs printed bigger than A1 and framed

Design and make your own dress

Learn to speak french

Bet £100 on black or red

Get a famous person to the wedding through social media

Bake something different every month for a year

Get a tattoo

Do a fashion shoot with Joe’s car

Learn a rap song from start to finish

Sleep on a beach

Experience a tasting menu at a top restaurant

Perform karaoke in front of a public audience

compete in a doubles match with Jon McGovern

Curate 10 guest blogger posts for Lucie Loves

Ride Oblivion

Make a 10 minute documentary

Cook a meal for more than 15 people

Write, illustrate and publish a children’s book for Ellis

Say clunge in your wedding speech

Cycle to Paris

Allow Marcos to organise 30 minutes of your wedding as a surprise

Read three famous books you haven’t read

Learn and perform a dance

Shoot something you’ve made on a camera

Run a frock swap shop

Join the mile high club

Be on time for a fortnight

Canoe down the Thames

Beat Jon at a computer game

Grow a plant from seed, nominated by your colleagues

Don’t buy lunch for a month

Learn to play a song on an instrument

Raise £500 from clothes you don’t wear

*nominated and compiled by my friends.

Where on earth do I start? Can you help me complete any of my challenges?? Drop me a line at if you’d like to help me out, or have any tips or advice. Obviously, there are some ridiculous things on this list that I couldn’t possibly do!